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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Guided by God, we will create a community of learners
who will flourish and be filled with hope.

Headteacher's Welcome


Welcome to Keighley St Andrew's CE Primary School. My name is Miss. Mercedes Stephenson and I am the Head of School at St Andrew's. I feel excited and privileged to be working alongside the staff team to ensure our curriculum offer enables all pupils to flourish. Primary school is such a special place to be and should provide all pupils with long lasting, positive memories of learning. Building a community of learners provides our community with the potential to achieve great things. I believe this love of learning starts at primary school and is driven by positive relationships between home and school. 

Our Values in Action

Having shared values builds a sense of community for all members of the Keighley St Andrew's school family. Values underpin the importance of belonging to a community, being kind and sharing values that are underpinned by a common purpose. 

Pupils are encouraged to live their values on a daily basis. Each half term, we dig deep and explore what our values mean as well as what they look like in our daily lives. 

Our whole school values are deeply rooted in the Christian faith. These are:

Thankfulness, Peace, Community, Trust, Courage and Compassion. 

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Our Vision

Guided by God, we build a community of learners who flourish and are filled with hope. Our vision is underpinned by the parable, 'The Good Samaritan'. This parable teaches us all about the importance of sincerity, embracing all members of the school community and promoting diversity. 

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