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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Our Spring Journey

Spring 1 Curriculum Web Spring 1 Home Learning Web Values Knowledge Mat - Courage 

 Our History topic this half term was related to the Anglo Saxons. In one lesson, we role played being members of Anglo Saxon society. We had to put ourselves in order of importance and then show how we felt about our place in society. The Kings were very pleased to be able to boss everyone around and the slaves were very upset about all the jobs they had to do. 

Linked to our History topic, our DT project this half term was to make Anglo Saxon jewellery, some of us made brooches and some of us made necklaces. We really enjoyed adding the finer details to our jewellery pieces and we thought they looked brilliant!

As part of our Enrichment programme, we also made Djembe drums this half term, using pointillism to decorate them.


 Spring 2 Curriculum WebSpring 2 Home Learning Web

Values Knowledge Mat - Compassion