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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Our Summer Journey


This half term we are making bread! This links to our English text of The Bakers Boy and the Great Fire of London. Our hook lesson was following instructions with our partner to make our own playdough, we then had to evaluate if it was successful or not. We had a fabulous time!

Hook for History and English. 

Today we got immersed in our learning by having our hook day. We had to be creative and use our imaginations and our senses! We had a drama session in the hall where we had to act out certain points of the Great Fire of London and had to work together to try and put the fire out. We made stick houses and then used water colour paints to create our backgrounds. 

We had to imagine how we would have felt and what we would have seen, heard, smelt and felt.


For our Science hook we had four experiments/investigations to explore. 

1 - Can you build a bridge for the cars to travel across (choosing the right material for the right purpose)

2 - Can you build a raft for the people and the animals to get across the water.

3 - Can you sort the materials into magnetic and non magnetic

4 - Can you sort the objects in the basket and can you group guess how you sorted them

We used this as our cold knowledge harvest.

Our second lesson was learning about materials, we played a game where we were not allowed to look inside the box and had to describe what we thought the object was and what material it was made of. Then we revealed the objects and sorted them by material.



Our half termly homework and topic web. What can you do at home to extend your learning?

Homework web

Topic web